UCSC College 9 with strings of flags from various countries around the world.

Alumni Finder

Need help? Please contact alumni@ucsc.edu.

What is the Alumni Finder?

The Alumni Finder is an easy way to reconnect with your classmates and faculty. It is accessible through Connect.

What data is in the Alumni Finder?

The Finder is a database containing information about UCSC Alumni and is only accessible by other alumni, staff, and faculty. You may edit what information is shown publicly on your profile.

How do I contact someone?

You may search people by name, year, college, or major. You can contact people by clicking on the small envelope symbol to the left side of their name. If a profile does not display this symbol, that person is unable to be contacted through the Alumni Finder. You may email alumni@ucsc.edu if there is someone you’d like to try to contact someone whose information is not public.

How do I edit my info?

If you’d like to change the information displayed on your Alumni Finder profile, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Connect account. If you do not already have one, you will need to activate your account first. You can activate your account or recover a lost password on the log-in page.
  2. Click “Alumni Finder” at the top of the page.
  3. Enter your first and last name in the boxes and press “Search.”
  4. Click on your profile.
  5. Click “edit” on any sections you would like to alter. You may change the text of any section and choose if certain fields will appear on your public profile.
  6. When you’ve made any changes you’d like, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save.” You can preview your public profile by clicking on “Community Profile” at the top right of the page.

If you have difficulty updating your information, please email alumni@ucsc.edu.

Last modified: Jan 17, 2024