Aerial photo of campus, Monterey Bay and Santa Cruz.

Virtual Events

Slugs & Steins

Slugs & Steins: Lectures from UC Santa Cruz is a monthly series comprised of informal discussions highlighting UC Santa Cruz’s many amazing faculty members. Talks are held on the 2nd Monday of each month with topics ranging from organic artichokes to endangered zebras, self-driving cars to Shakespeare. All are welcome, and audience participation is encouraged. We encourage you to share the link far and wide as slugs and friends from around the world may join us.

Slugs & Steins Lectures from UC Santa Cruz

August 2024

Learning About Autism from Autistic People

Professor Nameera Akhtar and Associate Professor Janette Dinishak
Monday, August 12
6:30pm to 8:00pm 

Most of the research on autism is conducted by non-autistic people. The neurodiversity movement centers autistic perspectives which contributes to a better understanding of autistic experiences and can counteract existing stereotypes about autistic people. In this presentation, we discuss two methods for centering autistic perspectives on autism—including autistic people on research teams and reading autistic autobiographies—and explore several potential benefits of doing so.

Nameera Akhtar is a Professor of Psychology, and Janette Dinishak is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Santa Cruz. After a fruitful decade of collaborating on autism-related topics, these two academics would like you to know that they are not experts on autism. In their presentation they will introduce you to some of the real experts.

UC Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Campus

Kraw Lecture Series on science and technology

The Kraw Lecture Series in Silicon Valley is made possible by a generous gift from UC Santa Cruz alumnus George Kraw (Cowell ‘71, history and Russian literature) and Raphael Shannon Kraw. The lecture series features acclaimed UC Santa Cruz scientists and technologists who are grappling with some of the biggest questions of our time.

These talks are free and open to the public and available via live stream.

Sammy sitting at a picnic table on a laptop

Past Slugs & Steins lectures

Watch videos from our monthly talks highlighting UC Santa Cruz’s many amazing faculty members.

Last modified: Aug 16, 2024